Month: June 2020

Felony Murder Is The Right Answer For Rayshard Brooks Killing

As a former NYPD officer and a student of law and politics at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, I agree with the charges against former officer Garrett Rolfe who killed Rayshard Brooks. Officer Rolfe displayed malice aforethought and a depraved indifference for human life when he shot Rayshard Brooks in the back twice while ….  Read More


Dear America: When we served you as slaves, you abused us, starved us, sold us, and called us lazy. You treated us inappropriately. When we ran away, you came and captured us. Cutting off life and limb. You treated us inappropriately. When we were emancipated, you put on sheets and raided our homes, raped us, ….  Read More


WE DONE BROKE AMERICA The 244-year democratic social experiment called America is at a critical juncture. AMERICA is broken. There are no checks and balances. Constitutional rights are fungible. The judiciary is becoming tribalized. The executive has become militarized. And the legislature has become polarized and paralyzed. Police brutality has become a cancer in America ….  Read More

Listen To The Prophet Ice Cube

Listen To The Prophet Ice Cube He Released This 3 Years Ago. Even if you don’t like rap music, this message is profound and prophetic.

How To Fix The Police In America

Institute a mandatory duty to report. If officers see something they must say something. If they fail to report police misconduct by fellow officers or supervisors then whether or not those officers or supervisors are prosecuted or disciplined for their misconduct, the officer who refuses to report the incident should be fired. Any officer who ….  Read More

So, Mr. Puff-N-Stuff Is Trying To Act Tough

As the fiery protest erupted outside the White House on Friday, Donald Trump and his family were moved into a secure bunker. News reports of that action caused Trump to catch feelings. Unable to understand that the protests were not about politics or him, but police brutality, he inserted himself into the mix. So, Mr. ….  Read More