People are angry because the Kentucky AG did not indict the 3 police officers in the killing of Breonna Taylor. If he did indict them, all that would do is kick the can down the road to an inevitable negative conclusion. Because there’s almost no way they would’ve been found guilty of an intentional killing.
The attorney general could not charge first-degree murder because there was no premeditation. He can’t charge second-degree murder because the officers did not go there intending to kill her. There is no evidence of that. You can’t charge felony-murder because the officers were doing their job and they had legal authority to execute the no-knock search warrant.
And you can’t charge involuntary manslaughter because except for one officer, they did not act recklessly or with criminal negligence. The one officer who was charged with “Wanton Endangerment,” which is a felony, was charged because he demonstrated “extreme indifference to human life” by firing his weapon blindly through a window and patio door. But none of his bullets hit Breonna Taylor, so he’s not responsible for her death.
You can’t convict the police officers but WE MUST CONVICT THE SYSTEM. The system failed Breonna Taylor.
The officers who went to Breonna Taylor’s house were there with a no-knock warrant that was signed by a judge, who had signed multiple warrants that day, probably without scrutiny or questions. They were then ordered by their superiors to carry out that no-knock warrant. And then after the shooting, they manipulated evidence in an attempt to cover up the killing.
That is the reason the city of Louisville settled on a $12 million payout to the mother of Breonna Taylor. Because many things happened that led to her death that should not have happened to place those police officers in her apartment after midnight.
They were given a no-knock warrant based on bad and outdated Intel. It was rubberstamped by a judge. Her ex-boyfriend who is a drug dealer was the potential target yet he had not lived there for four months. And he was already in police custody at the time of Breonna’s death.
Reportedly, according to police, she had been receiving packages through the mail that contained drugs that she then passed on to her ex-boyfriend. Even if that was the case, all they had to do was sit outside her apartment until she came outside to go to work. Then walk up to her and say we have a warrant to search your apartment for drugs. You stay here until we search and then you come with us after. That’s what should’ve happened.
But according to Kenneth Walker, her current boyfriend, he was awakened by a knock at the door. The police had a no-knock warrant but they knocked anyway. Anyone who has watched a crime show on TV, or had the police come to their house, or in my case a five year veteran of NYPD, knows that the sound of the police knock is a very distinctive knock.
As per Mr. Walker, he grabbed his gun. He went towards the door and he asked who is it and got no reply. The police thought she was there alone. Reportedly, Mr. Walker thought that it may have been her ex-boyfriend the drug dealer.
Then according to Mr. Walker, “the door flew off the hinges.” An officer entered and Mr. Walker opened fire. Even in the dark, you can tell the difference between a silhouette of a police officer in body armor and a drug dealer. And if there was any bit of light, you can definitely tell the difference between a black drug dealer and a white police officer.
If Mr. Walker had wanted to play the hero and protect his loved one, Breonna Taylor, you tell her to stay in the bedroom in a safe place and you go investigate.
Drug dealers don’t have battering rams. So when the door flew off the hinges it could’ve only been law enforcement. And when law-enforcement breaks down your door, they usually have the authority to do so meaning they had a warrant. SO YOU DON’T SHOOT AT THEM.
Did Mr. Walker shoot at the police and then dive out of the way to take cover while his girlfriend was standing right next to him and became the recipient of return fire? In police shootouts with armed-suspects, police only have an accuracy rate of less than 20%. Yet Mr. Walker didn’t even get grazed. Did he just vanish? Did the police shoot back with their eyes closed? Or did Mr. Walker shoot while standing behind Breonna Taylor?
Any person reading this, if you honestly put yourself in the shoes of those police officers, knowing that you were there to do your job, and you were ordered to do that job. You entered a home forcefully, to find someone who looks at you and then shoots at you, you only have one choice. To return fire.
No one else needs to be killed because of the tragic wrongful death of a 26-year-old frontline worker, who worked during the COVID pandemic saving lives while studying to become a nurse, Breonna Taylor. No protesters need to die and no police officers or other civilians need to be killed in honor of Breonna Taylor. That’s not the way we fix the system.
The only way to fix the system is to elect leaders who will rewrite the laws to change the system. You have to vote and you have to get others to vote. Your vote alone is not enough. If you can get 10 people to protest, get those 10 people to vote.
With an overwhelming victory at the polls, then you can start making change. Then you can protest to demand that change. No matter who wins.
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