…is a podcast about news, politics, and social issues that matter to you, your health, and your family.
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Tune in every Tuesday for a new episode. Each week we will do our best to inform you, educate you, enlighten you, and entertain you as we cover various topics that affect your everyday life.
You will hear things that you’ve never heard before. Some things may amaze you, some things may amuse you, some things will intrigue you, some things may scare you but prepare you, and some things will make you have hope.
What we won’t do, is waste your time because time is such a precious commodity and we appreciate you sharing your time with us.
This is our fourth episode. In this episode, we will discuss:
- CAPITALISM Is Guilty For Racism In America
- United Daughters of Confederacy (UDC)
- What If The People Are Wrong?
- A Vaccine Is No Silver Bullet
- Garlic Up Ya Life
- The African- American
- My Epiphany
“The Closing argument” which is our weekly inspiration piece. A positive message to help you have a positive week by Dreamz.
Be sure to visit King Positive’s Instagram page for healthy recipes and other health tips @Always_GOTOS