Month: March 2020

Millennials Don’t Get Duped

Millennials don’t volunteer to go to the front lines to fight in this war against our invisible enemy, COVID-19. Stay home. You all are like the carburetor of the engine of our economy. Your supply of cheap labor, spending habits, vulnerability to predatory lending practices like student loans and credit cards, makes you the regulator ….  Read More

The Coronavirus Tests Are In The Mail

Last week, VP Pence promised 1 million coronavirus test kits by the end of last week. Where are they? The death toll and the number of people infected with the coronavirus is increasing. Is it because of the “ramp up” in available testing or are there more people getting infected by community spread? The government ….  Read More

Millennials May Help The Coronavirus Spread Faster

Coronavirus COVID19 is a real threat to everyone in America. Especially to those who have preexisting conditions like asthma, diabetes, heart disease, lung disease, HIV, and cancer. If you are young and healthy, you may feel that there’s no need to worry. You’re wrong. COVID19 is a very sneaky new disease that our doctors, scientists, ….  Read More

Op-Ed: Hate Is Not Enough

Many people believe that hating Donald Trump Is enough to lead to his defeat. They believe that the more they hate him, and the more people they can get to hate him, it will propel us to victory. Hate is not the answer. Hate is like cancer. It metastasizes. It has infected us like a ….  Read More