It’s not a hoax, soldiers died…
Twenty US soldiers have died in Afghanistan in 2019 and four more were killed in 2020 before the attempted peace agreement in February with the Taliban.
It has been reported by multiple media outlets and widely corroborated by numerous sources that Putin was paying cash bounties for dead American soldiers. $100,000 each.
We sent soldiers to Afghanistan. In early 2019, Trump found out that our US Soldiers were being hunted like Pokémon. He did nothing.
It was presented to him officially again, in his presidential daily briefing on February 27. That is the same day he hosted Diamond and Silk at the White House. That is the day he said the coronavirus would magically disappear “like a miracle.”
Instead of being a man and standing up, commanding with authority and demanding answers, he hosted diamond and silk at the White House and Actors from a low budget conservative play “deep state”. He’s the commander-in-chief for Pete’s sake.
When someone comes to see you and says your soldiers are being hunted, there’s a bounty on their heads, you must do something or YOU MUST RESIGN!!!
As a parent, if you found out that someone was paying other kids to beat up your children what would you do? Call it a hoax?
Well, Mr. squirmy pants first said nobody told him. Then he said it wasn’t verified and corroborated. Then he said he believes the Russians’ denial. He said if Putin says he doesn’t know about it, then it did not happen. Regrettably, now that everything has come to light, Trump is saying he still plans to do nothing because it’s not “actionable.”
He doesn’t believe it. He’s calling it a hoax. Just like he called coronavirus a hoax. And look at where we are now.
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