Month: February 2020

When You’re Under Attack…

When your country is under attack you must fight back. When your way life is being threatened or your life itself, you must fight. Our leaders took an oath to protect us from enemies both foreign and domestic. But what about the invisible? While our DEMOCRACY is being threatened by Tyranny, and our election process ….  Read More

I Have A Friend That I Love…

Her name is DEMOCRACY. Recently her boyfriend moved into her house. His name is Tyranny. He’s a bad dude. He says whatever he wants and does whatever he wants whenever he wants to do it. His lies fly like birds and multiply like rabbits. He is great at making people hate each other. But he’s ….  Read More


America, What a beautiful baby. She matured fast. Had a baby – DEMOCRACY. As Kings and their Kingdoms perished; Monarchies became Republics. Peoples’ Republics (Like China.) As some danced with Dictatorships, DEMOCRACY arrived. People went crazy. Everybody loved her except Kings, Monarchies, Republics,and Dictators. She’s gracious.She came bearing gifts. She gave the people; POWER. She ….  Read More

Waiting for the enemies list…

The Brothers Vindman, both good patriots trying to do their damnedest to advise the corrupt and ignorant Trump regime in its NSA, were summarily fired last week (along with EU Ambassador Gordie “Everybody was in the loop” Sondland) and escorted out of the White House as though either Army colonel was somehow a suspected spy… ….  Read More